It all began on November 26, 2016 when Lolita's Rainy Day was released. The day was the beginning of my journey to reach children (and their parents) to help introduce and teach them the importance of financial literacy, and encourage them to save their money.
They say it takes a village to raise a child. I like to believe, “It takes more than just a village to promote a children’s book!”
I know this all too well.
Lolita's Rainy Day is still thriving today all because of the love and support, positive reviews and feedback, combined with the continous encouragement that I have received from my village, that being my family, friends and mentor, and the children and parents who purchased and read my book.
Of course, I also want to acknowledge my awesome fellow authors, social media connections, and subscribers, because without you and the reinforcement you continuously give me, I wouldn't be writing this celebratory post. I cannot convey enough the deep respect and appreciation I have for each and everyone of you.
I know many of you are sitting patiently (or on pins and needles) waiting to hear news about my next book or action. I promise you that I have been busy working on some new projects, which I hope will allow me to continue on my journey.
In fact, this past month I had a visit from Jeri, a friend who now lives in Florida. I casually mentioned Lolita’s Rainy Day to her and she asked to see the book and read it on the spot.
Jeri's reaction was a wake-up call for me. Her exact words were, “This book belongs in schools, not being kept a secret!” Oops I thought... I have more work to do in 2024! ;-)
Lolita's Rainy Day was the beginning but not the end. So please don’t forget to sign up for my emails so you don't miss a beat.
P.S. Gift a child a book this holiday season, or donate one to your child's teacher or classroom. Lolita's Rainy Day is the gift (financial literacy) that keeps on giving.